Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Mi última clase de español

Geeee!!! I finally finished the Spanish course, I had to work on it in total for 4 months, 3 months in Japan at a JICA training center and 1 month here in La Paz, having exams, presentations, interviews and other exams and presentations…. I sometimes forgot why I had to undergo those terrible tortures. But thanks JICA. You are my hero. I understand Spanish by far better than 4 months ago. HAHA.

As if it is nature or more like a ritual of the four-month Spanish courses, I had to give a presentation on Health for 15 min at the last date of the Spanish course. As a practical exercise of my job in Santa Cruz, I did a workshop about nutrition. JICA filmed my workshop and they told me they are supposed to send the video to the training center of JICA. I am sure my Spanish teacher in Japan will be pleased to see me, who was made to speak Spanish toothlessly like Cambas, the people in Santa Cruz.

Afterwards, we had a tiny party, Chaya, in the cultural way of Aymara which is one of the natives here in Bolivia. We lit a fire on some sweets, leaves, branches and some trashes (it seemed nothing but litter to me…;P) for the God of the earth of Inca, called Pachamama. We spit beer around the fire and chatted until all the things were burninated. They say if this ritual is conducted, we will be rewarded with good fortune especially when we start something new. God of the mother earth, Pachamama, I love you!

As for the pic put herein, I went to a nice Camba (Santa Cruz) restaurant with my teachers, Jenny, Alfonso, and Martín, and another JOCV volunteer, Minoru. They are so so so funny! We did a dirty talk at this night! Jenny had a sweet female student last year. At the last class of them, the student said "Jenny, me da mucho peni." She obviously wanted to say "Jenny, I am really sad.(Me da mucha penA.)" Please use the dirty part of your brain to figure out what she said.... I will miss them in Santa Cruz.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


pilliging the natives as usual, eh?
excellent. well, I MISS YOU!!!!
now that you can speak 3 languages, you have earned a gold star. no joke! anyway, have fun in boliva, and thank you for our christmas presents! I've gotten a lot of compliments on the earrings. Keep being awesome, nuts!


Thursday, January 12, 2006 5:50:00 PM  
Blogger Natsuko said...

Yo amy!! Mi hermana de amor!! Is everything alright over there?
Arg...I miss ya and all your family badly!!

So, now, how many points I have with the gold star? Ask your dad if I can compensate the negative million points I recived from him before??

Please visit me to Santa Cruz in 2007! Hopefully by that time Jim would be here too...;)

Always love,
PS. Thanks to your Grandma, I have a cute name, Nacho, which at least Bolivian think it IS.

Friday, January 13, 2006 11:43:00 AM  

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