Monday, January 16, 2006

Santa cruz baby!

Yea, this is how my life should go. Here is hot and humid. My heart is chanting and dancing in bliss!

I am living in Santa Cruz, the paradise of Bolivia, with another family again. But this time around I gotta work at the prefecture of Santa Cruz in the office of a JICA health project, JICA-FORSA, with some experts. It is really cool to see how they work for the international cooperation agency, since this is what I'd love to do in the future. Tomorrow we will have a one-day seminar with medical experts including people from Montero, where I am supposed to work after a month later. I am glad to see participants from the town...gotta introduce myself better this time though...since I got goofed up the last time on the TV and probably made them disappointed or more like scared...haha, do you remember what I told you in the previous blog, rightie? :P

I cannot update my blog with pics like before since my second host family doesn't have the internet access *sigh, sigh, sigh* But I'll try to keep you updated with tons of pics later in Montero as possible as I can, promise!

This is me..again but on a different day...I just wanted to say that I realized this internet cafe is super hightech and I can update pics quicker than in La Paz. So I will keep adding pics as before! this pic is the last day of La Paz with my host family. I am wearing a Bolvian dress of a kind of folkloric dance learning how to dance a traditional one from Karen. (Jan 17,2006)


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