Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Ser humano

A minor thing, but a disappointing thing happened to me recently. I don’t know who actually read my live journal, so I’d rather shut up the detail. Seriously, what happened to me was nothing but a vanity. But it ended up in tears, anyway. The thing is that I lost a good Bolivian friend.

Some told me the catastrophe of a relationship between people is always a matter of trust. And that is very true in our case. I was probably too “Japanese” at the moment, while she was “Bolivian”, both in negative ways. We regretted what both of us have done.

Honestly, however, I thought I could be her help, when she asked me to do something for her. But in fact, that didn’t do anything for her only to divide us amazingly. One thing I should’ve realized in advance was that she actually saw me as “generous” Japanese and I didn’t know the characters of typical Bolivians.

Now we even have great communication gaps. I say her irresponsibility mocked my trust in her. She says she doesn’t understand why I make a fuss involving other people in our matter.

Thinking of her still hurts. I had some awful dreams relating to our relationships almost every night up until when I finally got a help from others. Thanks to her, I learned a lot how to behave myself here and how to make “real” friends here. Now I am most prudent being with others as I could be in my life. Never thought making friends can leave me in suspense.

Learning lessons is sometimes just a nasty pill you’d rather spit out.

PS As for the pic attached,a little gilr asked me to take a photo of them on the way to go to a health center the other day. So sweet.


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