Un equipo de avejas
Today I was hit by a cluster of bees for no reason. I was in the hall at home and ran away to my bedroom immediately. Some wanted to enter my bedroom, but they respectfully didn’t. They didn’t seem to have an intention to hurt me. It ended that they didn’t do anything to me. Seriously, at least I haven’t done anything bad to them as long as I know!
When I escaped from them to the room, I started reading a book at a desk trying to calm myself down. Unexpectedly, I heard sounds of a flying bee by my side. I saw one right there outside of the window. Then I realized this guy was looking me straight in the eye, winging horizontally and exactly on the same level of the eyes. It was the moment that I had to jump into the conclusion that they actually came to tell me something.
After 2 hours later, a little guy was left by others in my bathroom. I said to him “my little friend, don’t worry. I got your message.” handing him a cup. He calmly mounted on the cup. I let him fly to the sky from a window. That was a truly weird experience.
Hope the cluster wasn’t sent by somebody I know and care about to convey me some mournful and emergent news. Hope it was a delightful delivery from my beloved, friends, and family or just a random and opportunistic attack of weird bees. Write me and let me know how you do, my friends.
As for the photos, I got hit by a distinct kind of bees in a tiny village near my site, when I supervised a nutrition class organized together with a health centre this weekday for 3 days.