Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Una supermercado de Santa Cruz en esta epoca

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Los caminos para centros de salud en Santa Cruz

ここサンタクルスは、街の中心からちょっと離れるだけで、大通り以外はほとんど全て舗装されていないデッコボッコの土の道になる。満員バスに乗って立った状態でこのぼこぼこの道をいくと、低い天井や手すりや窓やらによく頭部をぶつける。ちょっとぶつけた位ならまだ許せるが、唯でさえ暑い中に、乗客が汗でベタベタになった肌を押し付けながら自分の上に圧し掛かってきた時にゃ、かなり気分を害する。大概の保健センターまでは、こういった道ならぬ道を通らずして辿り着くことがない。 先日、一日に昼と夜の2回、2つのセンターをバスで巡回したら激しい車酔いに身も心もやられてしまった。帰宅した22時頃には、あたりの視界が歪み、聞こえてくる音という音すべてが爆音になって頭痛をもたらし、遂には人当たりの悪い人間へと化したので、大人しく部屋に篭った。一日中、分泌し続けた自分の汗とその結晶と、外から頂いてきた泥や埃を洗い流すこともできず、その夜は殆どふて腐れるようにして寝た。

Mi trabajo en Santa Cruz por un mes






Thursday, January 26, 2006

Una reunion de un centro de salud en Santa Cruz

I participated in a meeting of a women group of a health center in Santa Cruz、 which is cooperated with FORSA. I was fond of the participants, funny and incredibly friendly. Now the women groups cooperated with FORSA are in the stage of the self-evaluation. A facilitator started talking about what they did last year as their activities at the health center, a series of nutrition courses or soy cooking courses.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Mi primero trabajo en Santa Cruz

Today, I particiopated in a training seminar of FORSA for facilitaters or people who work at health care centers in the prefecture of Santa Cruz. Mostly they are docters and nurses. It was my first day to work in Santa Cruz, though I was more like a guest. I introduced myself in Spanish and at the end they laughed out loud when I said "I have to learn to eat Camba (food)." Basically, as I talked about what is Camba before, Camba can be an adjective of Santa Cruz. And this time, since I forgot adding "food" after the term Camba, it sounded like I want to eat men of Camba.... thanks to my lovely Spanish, I became a super star.

The left pic is the place where I work now. The right one is SOY special. The hamburger, the milk, and even the bread on the pic is made from soy. It was given to the participants during the seminar during the tea time. This is also the FORSA way to educate people what to eat for their health!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Santa cruz baby!

Yea, this is how my life should go. Here is hot and humid. My heart is chanting and dancing in bliss!

I am living in Santa Cruz, the paradise of Bolivia, with another family again. But this time around I gotta work at the prefecture of Santa Cruz in the office of a JICA health project, JICA-FORSA, with some experts. It is really cool to see how they work for the international cooperation agency, since this is what I'd love to do in the future. Tomorrow we will have a one-day seminar with medical experts including people from Montero, where I am supposed to work after a month later. I am glad to see participants from the town...gotta introduce myself better this time though...since I got goofed up the last time on the TV and probably made them disappointed or more like scared...haha, do you remember what I told you in the previous blog, rightie? :P

I cannot update my blog with pics like before since my second host family doesn't have the internet access *sigh, sigh, sigh* But I'll try to keep you updated with tons of pics later in Montero as possible as I can, promise!

This is me..again but on a different day...I just wanted to say that I realized this internet cafe is super hightech and I can update pics quicker than in La Paz. So I will keep adding pics as before! this pic is the last day of La Paz with my host family. I am wearing a Bolvian dress of a kind of folkloric dance learning how to dance a traditional one from Karen. (Jan 17,2006)

Friday, January 13, 2006

Ciao a La Paz

FYI, I am leaving La Paz for Santa Cruz on Jan 16 in the early morning by air with an emloyee of JICA. Tomorrow morning I will leave my host family to go back to the dorm of JICA in La Paz. So this weekend I don't think I can check emails and all that. I will enjoy my last La Paz life this weekend! By the time when I put the next entry, I will be in Santa Cruz, the tropical crazy place!

PS. the pic is the building which contains the office of JICA Bolivia. It also has other offices of some of UN branches.



わたくし、現在、識字 in スペイン語、多く見積もっても約50%のレベル。こんな私にとって、ブラジルの思想家パウロ・フレイレがその有名な著書「希望の教育学」で述べている言葉を耳にするのは胸が悪い。彼によれば、識字によって人は現状を認識し、問題を意識化するという。識字のない人間が識字を学ぶことで「抑圧された」自分を取り戻すことになるという。つまりだ、今の私はスペイン語では、コミュニティーの現状を知ったり、彼らが抱えている諸々の問題を発見したりするのは難しいって、パウロは言っているってことになる。うーん。フィールドワーカーたる者、これは問題ありありだ。


1) こっちにはアメリカのTVチャンネルが5つ位入っていて、それぞれスペイン語の字幕がついてる。“Friends”とかDiscoveryチャンネルのショーを英語で聞きながら、スペ語の字幕にかじりつく。スペイン語は英語から入った方が間違いなく覚えやすい。

2) 好きなCDの歌詞を訳し、CDを繰り返し聞きまくって歌詞を丸ごと覚える。いつの間にか口ずさむ。(愛情を表現した歌詞がやけに多いので、異性に使うときは注意が必要。)

3) 聞き取りやすくおしゃべりな人を見つけて仲良くなる。会話では聞くに徹する。良く使われるフレーズやつなぎ語をまるごと覚えて自分のものにする。よりネイティブに近い会話が出来るようになる。


上の写真は、任地のホストファミリー先の庭にある木。サンタクルスのシンボルか何かって聞いた気がする。Que bello, no ve? 下の写真は庭に落ちてたマンゴー。マンゴーとココナッツの木が庭にたくさん生えてるの。トロピカル気候ってほんと素敵。

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Mi última clase de español

Geeee!!! I finally finished the Spanish course, I had to work on it in total for 4 months, 3 months in Japan at a JICA training center and 1 month here in La Paz, having exams, presentations, interviews and other exams and presentations…. I sometimes forgot why I had to undergo those terrible tortures. But thanks JICA. You are my hero. I understand Spanish by far better than 4 months ago. HAHA.

As if it is nature or more like a ritual of the four-month Spanish courses, I had to give a presentation on Health for 15 min at the last date of the Spanish course. As a practical exercise of my job in Santa Cruz, I did a workshop about nutrition. JICA filmed my workshop and they told me they are supposed to send the video to the training center of JICA. I am sure my Spanish teacher in Japan will be pleased to see me, who was made to speak Spanish toothlessly like Cambas, the people in Santa Cruz.

Afterwards, we had a tiny party, Chaya, in the cultural way of Aymara which is one of the natives here in Bolivia. We lit a fire on some sweets, leaves, branches and some trashes (it seemed nothing but litter to me…;P) for the God of the earth of Inca, called Pachamama. We spit beer around the fire and chatted until all the things were burninated. They say if this ritual is conducted, we will be rewarded with good fortune especially when we start something new. God of the mother earth, Pachamama, I love you!

As for the pic put herein, I went to a nice Camba (Santa Cruz) restaurant with my teachers, Jenny, Alfonso, and Martín, and another JOCV volunteer, Minoru. They are so so so funny! We did a dirty talk at this night! Jenny had a sweet female student last year. At the last class of them, the student said "Jenny, me da mucho peni." She obviously wanted to say "Jenny, I am really sad.(Me da mucha penA.)" Please use the dirty part of your brain to figure out what she said.... I will miss them in Santa Cruz.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Cómo cocinar Salteña

I really appreciate the hospitality of my host family in La Paz. They have done so many things for me, although I, or JICA correctly, pay them for the accommodation monthly. I always wanted to express my appreciation to them sincerely. But how, you know?

My host family in La Paz LOVES Japanese food. So, for the first time in Bolivia I made some for them; Okonomiyaki, or Japanese pancake with chicken and cabbage, and Mabodofu, or fried ground meat and tofu with spicy Chinese sauce. For that, I went to a tiny Japanese shop to get some ingredients. Tey partly import suff from Japan and others are from a colonial in Santa Cruz, Colonia Sun Juan like Japanese rice, tofu, special veges like Japanese leeks, etc.

When I told them that I was going to cook, they were super excited and decided to cook, at the same time, some Latin-American popular food; Salteña, pan with meat inside and Chili. Honestly speaking, it WAS a wrong idea. Since we made too much food, we had to keep eating the Japanese pancake, tofu thing, Chili, and Salteña for three days in row. I’m damn sure I would really hate meat for a while.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Sin alcohol

ラパスでメジャーな新聞は「La Razon」(意味は多岐にわたり、「正当性」か「動機」か「理性」か「お知らせ」か。。。)日本で言うと朝日新聞のような存在だ。今回は、私の仕事と密接に結びついた健康に関する文化欄の記事を読んで思ったことを紹介。







Saturday, January 07, 2006

Música latina

I found fabulous latino artists recently.
Here I will share some of them with you all.
You can buy bootleg CDs anywhere on the street in La Paz. A bootleg costs around $0.50....hu!
Ya know, I like it about developing countries!

Juanes "La Camisa Negra" -Mi sangre

Bacilos "Tabaco Y Chanel" -Solo Un Segundo: Lo Mejor De

Reik "Que Vida La Mia" -Reik

You gotta check them out!

PS The Nachito does not accept responsibility for the relation between the pic put on this entry and the content written herein.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

La excrución para Tiwanacu

On January 4th I visited Tiwanacu ruins with my Spanish teacher and some of a student volunteering group as our guide. It was my first trip in Bolivia, and it remained me of how few I know about Bolivia.

Monday, January 02, 2006

El ejercito in Santa Cruz

On 14 Dec, I visited my colleagues in Montero, Santa Cruz, as I wrote on the previous blog of 18 Dec, 2005. On 15 Dec, my supervisor and I went to “el Ejercito”, or an army to see her child, José. Every Thursday from 15:30 to 17:30 anybody can enter a site of the army. There was a bunch of people visiting their children, boyfriends, and husbands. They were having juice and food lying down on the grass as if they were having a happy family picnic in a huge park.

In Bolivia it is mandatory for all the men to serve in the army. You can choose: one-year service totally separated from the real world or two-year weekly service with 2-week training camps a few times, if I remember correctly.

It is said that today the Bolivian military service is completely useless, because Bolivia is surely helpless against any other Latin-American countries, since it has less military, less weapons, and less war chest.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

El año nuevo

Happy New Year, everybody! Let me wish you an awesome and successful year 2006! I appreciate you all mostly because you are understanding, you are supportive, and you are always by my side. 


In Bolivia on the New Year at 12am, you have to eat 12 grapes making a wish in each one. After we toasted with red wine, we had baked greasy pork. People here tend to eat late at night for fiestas. I know this is a part of their culture, but I have to say this is NOT appropriate and NOT healthy, obviously. At the New Year’s night, people dance all night long and eat the second traditional meal, big spicy sausage wrapped with oily bread at 5 in the morning. What a lovely diet at the perfect time! Yea, that’s why I came here to revolutionize this country by showing the right food and healthy alimentations.

Me at the New Year? Disappointedly, I have a bad cold these days. I had a bad stomach, a fever, and an injection on my ass at a hospital. Today I was supposed to go to a nice restaurant to see a show of Bolivian dance and music with my host family. Instead, I had to stay in bed…*cry*